Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Wednesday Whatever - July 26 edition
Not much new happening in the town of Tiny, so I'm afraid you're going to have to put up with another "filler piece" here this week. A couple of weeks ago, I bought a new Sansui 20" flat screen TV for my basement bedroom for right at $100. This week, it looks like there's a VCR/DVD-R combo unit available at the same store for about $70, so I might have to check that out since my Dish DVR hard drive only has about 45 minutes of recording time left.
It was a sad afternoon yesterday for our Fire Department. One of our members had to call for an ambulance for his mother, who unfortunately, passed away. She was 59. I don't know if we could have done anything if she had been found sooner or not, but it really sucks to be involved with a DOA call. It makes the calls easier when we can at least be trying to do something to save the patient, even though you know in your heart that they aren't going to make it.
Now a little something to lighten the mood. My buddy Sherman (yeah, he's a cat, but he's also my bestest buddy in the world) had been having his hair clump on his back, and pretty much the rest of his torso, so Dad decided to do a little trimming on him. You know those rectangular garbage cans that are about 20" tall? well, we/he filled one about 1/3 of the way with Sherman's hair, and there's still some that could come off. I gotta admit, Sherman seems to feel 1000% better than he had earlier in the summer. For several nights, he didn't come down to my bedroom, but now I wake up with him on my chest several times a night. His "sisters" are spoiled brats...they'll meow at Dad until he gives them a can of Friskies food, of course Sherman enjoys that food too, but he has no problem enjoying the dry Meow Mix in the bowl in the basement. I told ya'll that to tell ya'll this. I've been enjoying some Frito's Scoops corn chips lately with a can of Frito Lay Mild Cheddar cheese. Since it's got a pull top like the cat food cans, my angels all come running when I open it. Sneetch and Bela figure out that it's mine and I'm not going to share, but since his haircut, Sherman does the cutest thing. I have a table thing right next to my chair, about 30-36 inches high, that I set my pop and the can of cheese on. Well, he stretches up and reaches onto the top of the table thing and tries to knock the can of cheese, the plastic lid, or the metal lid down. Maybe I'm not explaining it well enough, but it's one of the cutest things I've ever seen him do, since he's so timid about it too.
Last night at the grocery store, I did something I swore I would never do. I paid $8.99/pound for a Ribeye steak. That SOB better make my mouth have an orgasm after I grill it. We also got in on some free Sweet Corn, so that'll make a nice combination for supper tonight....maybe with some of the canned irish potatoes that I picked up. Monday night I had some pork cutlets cooked in cream of mushroom soup, over bread, with a bowl of Campbell's Potato and Ham chowder. The soup wasn't quite heated long enough, and the bread was almost at expiration, so it wasn't the best meal I've prepared for myself.
I can't belive I only have 5 weeks and 1 day left of picking up the meals for our local Meals on Wheels program. What's more astonishing is that this is the end of the 8th week that I've been doing it. Seems like I just started.
Well, not bad for not thinking I had anything to talk about when I started writing this today, huh? Until next time, keep it 'tween the ditches.
It was a sad afternoon yesterday for our Fire Department. One of our members had to call for an ambulance for his mother, who unfortunately, passed away. She was 59. I don't know if we could have done anything if she had been found sooner or not, but it really sucks to be involved with a DOA call. It makes the calls easier when we can at least be trying to do something to save the patient, even though you know in your heart that they aren't going to make it.
Now a little something to lighten the mood. My buddy Sherman (yeah, he's a cat, but he's also my bestest buddy in the world) had been having his hair clump on his back, and pretty much the rest of his torso, so Dad decided to do a little trimming on him. You know those rectangular garbage cans that are about 20" tall? well, we/he filled one about 1/3 of the way with Sherman's hair, and there's still some that could come off. I gotta admit, Sherman seems to feel 1000% better than he had earlier in the summer. For several nights, he didn't come down to my bedroom, but now I wake up with him on my chest several times a night. His "sisters" are spoiled brats...they'll meow at Dad until he gives them a can of Friskies food, of course Sherman enjoys that food too, but he has no problem enjoying the dry Meow Mix in the bowl in the basement. I told ya'll that to tell ya'll this. I've been enjoying some Frito's Scoops corn chips lately with a can of Frito Lay Mild Cheddar cheese. Since it's got a pull top like the cat food cans, my angels all come running when I open it. Sneetch and Bela figure out that it's mine and I'm not going to share, but since his haircut, Sherman does the cutest thing. I have a table thing right next to my chair, about 30-36 inches high, that I set my pop and the can of cheese on. Well, he stretches up and reaches onto the top of the table thing and tries to knock the can of cheese, the plastic lid, or the metal lid down. Maybe I'm not explaining it well enough, but it's one of the cutest things I've ever seen him do, since he's so timid about it too.
Last night at the grocery store, I did something I swore I would never do. I paid $8.99/pound for a Ribeye steak. That SOB better make my mouth have an orgasm after I grill it. We also got in on some free Sweet Corn, so that'll make a nice combination for supper tonight....maybe with some of the canned irish potatoes that I picked up. Monday night I had some pork cutlets cooked in cream of mushroom soup, over bread, with a bowl of Campbell's Potato and Ham chowder. The soup wasn't quite heated long enough, and the bread was almost at expiration, so it wasn't the best meal I've prepared for myself.
I can't belive I only have 5 weeks and 1 day left of picking up the meals for our local Meals on Wheels program. What's more astonishing is that this is the end of the 8th week that I've been doing it. Seems like I just started.
Well, not bad for not thinking I had anything to talk about when I started writing this today, huh? Until next time, keep it 'tween the ditches.
Monday, July 24, 2006
For those of you not from Iowa, that stands for "Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa". Every summer, the Des Moines Register sponsors a ride across this great state of ours. It is surprising how often it rolls through my general area in the state, but rarely hits my hometown. This is the third time in 5 years these 5,000 to 10,000 bicyclists have ridden through the town 8 miles East-Northeast from here. We got in on it 2 years ago when we were the lunch stop, just over halfway through the first day.
I hope when I lose some weight, they'll come rolling through here again, and I can actually help out with the fundraising that occurs with the various organizations selling food and trinkets. In 2004, I stayed home and watched the race on TV, except for the 2 times we got called out on EMS calls. One was for a lady in a van that didn't feel good, coming home from the lake. Another was for a disoriented rider near our local pool, where all of the stands were located. For about 4 hours, every street that could have vehicles that day were narrowed down to barely one lane wide with all the support vehicles in town.
I think the riders are all nuts, but I guess, the last time I looked at a bicycle and it didn't melt out of fear of my getting on it was well over 20 years ago, I'm sure they're in a lot better shape than I am. Although I still don't see the sense in riding 40-70 miles a day with a bicycle seat crammed up your butt.
I hope when I lose some weight, they'll come rolling through here again, and I can actually help out with the fundraising that occurs with the various organizations selling food and trinkets. In 2004, I stayed home and watched the race on TV, except for the 2 times we got called out on EMS calls. One was for a lady in a van that didn't feel good, coming home from the lake. Another was for a disoriented rider near our local pool, where all of the stands were located. For about 4 hours, every street that could have vehicles that day were narrowed down to barely one lane wide with all the support vehicles in town.
I think the riders are all nuts, but I guess, the last time I looked at a bicycle and it didn't melt out of fear of my getting on it was well over 20 years ago, I'm sure they're in a lot better shape than I am. Although I still don't see the sense in riding 40-70 miles a day with a bicycle seat crammed up your butt.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
PCDI can kiss my butt
Back in December of 2004, I decided that we'd been having too many problems with our computers, and I'd like to be able to fix them if anything more went wrong. So, I do minimal research and decide to take PCDI's PC repair course since they send you some FREE TOOLS to use once you graduate. In hindsight, I should have went with my hunch that I had once I received the first shipment of course materials. I did a quick skim of the book they sent, and found no mention of the XP operating system, which all of my computers (4 of them) have. I sent a question to the instructors asking if they would cover XP and newer equipment down the line, and they said that it would be covered.
Another hint that things might not be up to snuff occurred a couple of months into the program when, after waiting several weeks for a new shipment to arrive (they send a batch of 4-6 lessons after receiving the tests for 3-5 of the previous batch) I called them to see where this shipment was, and they said they hadn't received 2 of the 4 tests I'd sent in (3 were mailed the same day, guess I shoulda used the same envelope).
The only thing I applaud them for is the fact that about halfway through the course, I found that I could take the tests online, thereby removing the chances that they'd get lost in the mail.
Oh well, they're paid now, and as soon as I get my diploma, I don't have to be in touch with them any more.
Another hint that things might not be up to snuff occurred a couple of months into the program when, after waiting several weeks for a new shipment to arrive (they send a batch of 4-6 lessons after receiving the tests for 3-5 of the previous batch) I called them to see where this shipment was, and they said they hadn't received 2 of the 4 tests I'd sent in (3 were mailed the same day, guess I shoulda used the same envelope).
The only thing I applaud them for is the fact that about halfway through the course, I found that I could take the tests online, thereby removing the chances that they'd get lost in the mail.
Oh well, they're paid now, and as soon as I get my diploma, I don't have to be in touch with them any more.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Wednesday Whatever - July 19 edition
I'm not feeling very creative today, but I've done such a good job of keeping up with this theme over the past month or so that it would be a shame to not post something today.
Nothing much has happened here lately. Haven't been fishing since before Memorial Day. I'm not going to comment on the last 2 Nextel Cup races because I don't want to offend any friends, even though I know they can take it.
I've been trying to use my CPAP machine again, but my first attempt back was the most successful so far. I had it on for 4 hours. The second night was 2 hours, the third I could only put up with it for an hour because it was leaking and blowing right into my eye. Last night I don't even know how long it was on, but for some reason the pressure really built up and was almost blowing it off my face.
I have no way of knowing for sure, but I feel like I've lost a little weight over the last couple of weeks. My knee doesn't hurt any more (for now at least) and this morning was the easiest walk I've had to the stairs to go up for my leg wrapping, in a looooonng time. Can't tell by my clothes either because I've been wearing sweat pants and tee shirts since the wrapping started around November of last year. Well, the tee shirts I've always worn, the sweat pants have only been since November.
Now that I've jinxed myself, I'll probably go back to feeling lousy and limping and whatnotall. I hope not, but you all know how it goes....especially with the weight loss rollercoaster.
Until next safe and keep it real.
Nothing much has happened here lately. Haven't been fishing since before Memorial Day. I'm not going to comment on the last 2 Nextel Cup races because I don't want to offend any friends, even though I know they can take it.
I've been trying to use my CPAP machine again, but my first attempt back was the most successful so far. I had it on for 4 hours. The second night was 2 hours, the third I could only put up with it for an hour because it was leaking and blowing right into my eye. Last night I don't even know how long it was on, but for some reason the pressure really built up and was almost blowing it off my face.
I have no way of knowing for sure, but I feel like I've lost a little weight over the last couple of weeks. My knee doesn't hurt any more (for now at least) and this morning was the easiest walk I've had to the stairs to go up for my leg wrapping, in a looooonng time. Can't tell by my clothes either because I've been wearing sweat pants and tee shirts since the wrapping started around November of last year. Well, the tee shirts I've always worn, the sweat pants have only been since November.
Now that I've jinxed myself, I'll probably go back to feeling lousy and limping and whatnotall. I hope not, but you all know how it goes....especially with the weight loss rollercoaster.
Until next safe and keep it real.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Another Tag Induced Meme
Thanks Dan. Oh, and note to Ninecats...This was much easier than the 100 things.
(Click here to post your own answers for this meme.)
✓ I miss somebody right now. (My Mom and Sister)
✓ I don't watch much TV these days. (Because I'm asleep in front of it)
× I own lots of books.
✓ I wear glasses or contact lenses. (For almost 30 years)
× I love to play video games.
× I've tried marijuana. (No way , and it would be a cold day in Hell if I ever did)
× I've watched porn movies. (You can't prove a thing)
× I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship.
✓ I believe honesty is usually the best policy.
× I curse sometimes.
× I have changed a lot mentally over the last year.
× I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.
✓ I have broken someone's bones. (My best friend at the time's arm when he fell off the back of my moped as I was giving him a ride.)
× I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal. (Not that I know of)
× I hate the rain. (We need it too bad to hate it right now)
× I'm paranoid at times.
✓ I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free. (ALthough only after another surgery would be successful)
✓ I need/want money right now. (to have this other surgery)
× I love sushi. (Umm, I barely like cooked fish, and hate vegetation)
× I talk really, really fast.
× I have fresh breath in the morning.
× I have long hair.
× I have lost money in Las Vegas.
× I have at least one sibling. (Did have until 8/13/01)
× I was born in a country outside of the U.S.
× I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past.
× I couldn't survive without Caller I.D.
× I like the way that I look. (HA)
× I have lied to a good friend in the last 6 months. (Not that I recall)
× I am usually pessimistic.
× I have a lot of mood swings.
× I think prostitution should be legalized.
× I slept with a roommate.
× I have a hidden talent.
× I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have.
✓ I have a lot of friends. (Both Internet and real life)
× I have pecked someone of the same sex.
× I enjoy talking on the phone.
✓ I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants. (Only started after having to wrap my leg...jeans wouldn't fit over the wrapping)
× I love to shop and/or window shop.
× I'm obsessed with my Xanga or Livejournal.
× I'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother
. ✓ I have a mobile phone
. × I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
× I've rejected someone before. (I'm not sure what, if anything, would have happened that morning....)
✓ I currently like/love someone. (I always do, however, they rarely know it.)
× I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
× I want to have children in the future. (not sure)
× I have changed a diaper before.
× I've called the cops on a friend before.
✓ I'm not allergic to anything.,
✓ I have a lot to learn.
✓ I am shy around the opposite sex. (Getting a little better though)
× I'm online 24/7, even as an away message.
× I have at least 5 away messages saved.
✓ I have tried alcohol or drugs before. (Only alcohol...I'll kill ya if you try to give me illegal/illicit drugs.)
× I have made a move on a friend's significant other or crush in the past.
× I own the "South Park" movie.
× I have avoided assignments at work/school to be on Xanga or Livejournal.
× I enjoy some country music. (No, I enjoy MOST country music)
✓ I would die for my best friends. (Though I'd much rather stay living and keep them in my life.)
× I'm obsessive, and often a perfectionist.
× I have used my sexuality to advance my career. (Um, what sexuality?)
× I think Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.
× I have dated a close friend's ex.
✓ I am happy at this moment.
× I'm obsessed with guys.
✓ Democrat.
× Republican.
× I don't even know what I am.
× I am punk rockish.
× I go for older guys/girls, not younger.
× I study for tests most of the time.
× I tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I've ever met.
✓ I can work on a car.
× I love my job(s).
✓ I am comfortable with who I am right now.
× I have more than just my ears pierced.
✓ I walk barefoot wherever I can.
× I have jumped off a bridge.
× I love sea turtles.
× I spend ridiculous amounts of money on makeup.
× I plan on achieving a major goal/dream.
× I am proficient on a musical instrument. (I was, but haven't played for around 19 years.)
× I hate office jobs.
× I went to college out of state.
× I am adopted.
× I am a pyro.
× I have thrown up from crying too much.
× I have been intentionally hurt by people that I loved.
× I fall for the worst people.
× I adore bright colours.
× I usually like covers better than originals.
× I hate chain theme restaurants like Applebees and TGIFridays.
× I can pick up things with my toes.
× I can't whistle.
× I have ridden/owned a horse.
× I still have every journal I've ever written in.
× I talk in my sleep.
× I've often thought that I was born in the wrong century.
× I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions.
× I wear a toe ring.
× I have a tattoo.
× I can't stand at LEAST one person that I work with.
× I am a caffeine junkie.
× I am completely tree-huggy spiritual, and I'm not ashamed at all.
× If I knew I would get away with it, I would commit at least one murder.
× I will collect anything, and the more nonsensical, the better.
× I enjoy a nice glass of wine with dinner.
× I'm an artist.
✓ I am ambidextrous. (to an extenet)
× I sleep with so many stuffed animals, I can hardly fit on my bed.
× If it weren't for having to see other people naked, I'd live in a nudist colony.
× I have terrible teeth. (Not great either though)
× I hate my toes.
× I did this meme even though I wasn't tagged by the person who took it before me.(Thanks Dan)
× I have more friends on the internet than in real life. (About even)
× I have lived in either three different states or countries.
× I am extremely flexible.
× I love hugs more than kisses. (Can't really say...had plenty of hugs but not a whole lot of kisses)
× I want to own my own business.
× I smoke.
× I spend way too much time on the computer than on anything else.
× Nobody has ever said I'm normal.
× Sad movies, games, and the like can cause a trickle of tears every now and then.
× I am proficient in the use of many types of firearms and combat weapons.
× I like the way women look in stylized men's suits.(I don't dislike it either)
× I don't like it when people are unpleased or seem unpleased with me.
× I have been described as a dreamer or likely to have my head up in the clouds.
× I have played strip poker with someone else before. (Only alone.....and lost)
× I have had emotional problems for which I have sought professional help.
× I believe in ghosts and the paranormal.
× I can't stand being alone.
× I have at least one obsession at any given time.
× I weigh myself, pee/poo, and then weigh myself again.
× I consistently spend way too much money on obsessions-of-the-moment.
× I'm a judgmental asshole.
× I'm a HUGE drama-queen.
× I have travelled on more than one continent.
× I sometimes wish my father would just disappear.
× I need people to tell me I'm good at something in order to feel that I am.
× I am a Libertarian.
× I can speak more than one language.
✓ I can fall asleep even if the whole room is as noisy as it can be.
× I would rather read than watch TV.
× I like reading fact more than fiction.
× I have pulled an all-nighter on an assignment I was given a month to do.
✓ I have no piercings.
× I have spent the night in a train station or other public place.
× I have been so upset over my physical gender that I cried.
× I once spent Christmas completely alone because there was a miscommunication on which parent was supposed to have me that night.
× There have been times when I have wondered "Why was I born?" and may/may not have cried over it.
× I like most animals better than most people.
× I own a collection of retro games consoles.
× The thought of physical exercise makes me shiver.(try Sweat)
× I have hit someone with a dead fish.
× I am compulsively honest.
× I was born with a congenital birth defect that has never been repaired.
× I have danced topless in front of dozens of complete strangers.
× I have gone from wishing I was a girl to revelling in being a boy to feeling like a girl again in the span of five minutes, and not cared a whit for my actual sex.
× I am unashamedly bisexual, and have different motivations for my desires for different genders.
× I sometimes won't sleep a whole night or eat a whole day because I forget to.
✓ I find it impossible to get to sleep without some kind of music on.
× I dislike milk.
× I obsessively wash my hands.
× I always carry something significant around with me.
× Sometimes I'd rather wear a wig in day-to-day life than use my own hair.
× I've pushed myself to become more self-aware and thereby more aware of others.
× Even though I live on my own I still cry sometimes because I miss my mother.
× I hand wrote all the HTML tags in this document.
× I've liked something which a majority of people claimed was either bad or weird.
× I have been clinically dead for a brief period of time.
× Instead of feeling sympathy/empathy with people and their problems, I simply become annoyed.
× I participate/have participated in auto drag races and won.
× I do not 'get' most comedy acts.
✓ I don't think strippers are money-greedy or slutty for dancing. (But I wouldn't consider dating/marrying one either)
× I don't like to chew gum.
× I am obsessed with history/historical things and can't wait for someone to build a time machine so I can be the first to use it.
× I can never remember for the life of me where I parked the car.
× I had the TEEN ANGST thing going for at least 2-3 years.
× I wish people would be more empathic and honest with each other.
× I play Dungeons and Dragons weekly.
✓ I love to sing. (Sometimes)
× I want to live in my mother's basement when I grow up.
× I have a custom-built computer.
× I want to create a certain someone's babies, even though there's a 0% possiblity of ever achieving it.
× I would be in a relationship with one of my pets if they were human.
× I've gone skinny-dipping.(don't ya have to be skinny to do that?)
× I've performed in three plays.
× I enjoy burritos.
× I'm Irish and loving it.
✓ I have a thing for redheads. (And blondes and brunettes)
× I am a twin!
× Most of the times, I'd rather do something intellectual instead of doing something generically 'fun'.
✓ Once I set out to finish something, I always stay at it until it is completed before I move on to something else. (I sure try to anyway.)
× I wish there were a way to erase past mistakes.
× I sleep more than 12 hours a day.
× I wish I could be prouder of what I've accomplished, but it's never enough.
× I need more time to myself.
× I wish I was more open-minded.
× I hope that I go really prematurely grey.
× I download songs from the internet.
× I've just reenacted chapter 58 of Death Note with my best friend.
× I say random things to freak people out.
× I'm still a little mad about the ending of Death Note.
× I love playing Truth or Dare.
× I love listening to slow music, but I hate singing to it.
× Music helps me remember that I am not alone.
× Playing my favorite sport makes me temporarily forget my problems.
× I think this survey is particularly long.
× I prefer my LJ friends to my real-life ones.
× I can only hate someone that I love.
× I've ordered an extra two shots of espresso to an Americano at Starbucks.
(Click here to post your own answers for this meme.)
✓ I miss somebody right now. (My Mom and Sister)
✓ I don't watch much TV these days. (Because I'm asleep in front of it)
× I own lots of books.
✓ I wear glasses or contact lenses. (For almost 30 years)
× I love to play video games.
× I've tried marijuana. (No way , and it would be a cold day in Hell if I ever did)
× I've watched porn movies. (You can't prove a thing)
× I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship.
✓ I believe honesty is usually the best policy.
× I curse sometimes.
× I have changed a lot mentally over the last year.
× I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.
✓ I have broken someone's bones. (My best friend at the time's arm when he fell off the back of my moped as I was giving him a ride.)
× I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal. (Not that I know of)
× I hate the rain. (We need it too bad to hate it right now)
× I'm paranoid at times.
✓ I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free. (ALthough only after another surgery would be successful)
✓ I need/want money right now. (to have this other surgery)
× I love sushi. (Umm, I barely like cooked fish, and hate vegetation)
× I talk really, really fast.
× I have fresh breath in the morning.
× I have long hair.
× I have lost money in Las Vegas.
× I have at least one sibling. (Did have until 8/13/01)
× I was born in a country outside of the U.S.
× I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past.
× I couldn't survive without Caller I.D.
× I like the way that I look. (HA)
× I have lied to a good friend in the last 6 months. (Not that I recall)
× I am usually pessimistic.
× I have a lot of mood swings.
× I think prostitution should be legalized.
× I slept with a roommate.
× I have a hidden talent.
× I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have.
✓ I have a lot of friends. (Both Internet and real life)
× I have pecked someone of the same sex.
× I enjoy talking on the phone.
× I love to shop and/or window shop.
× I'm obsessed with my Xanga or Livejournal.
× I'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother
× I've rejected someone before. (I'm not sure what, if anything, would have happened that morning....)
✓ I currently like/love someone. (I always do, however, they rarely know it.)
× I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
× I want to have children in the future. (not sure)
× I have changed a diaper before.
× I've called the cops on a friend before.
✓ I'm not allergic to anything.,
✓ I have a lot to learn.
✓ I am shy around the opposite sex. (Getting a little better though)
× I'm online 24/7, even as an away message.
× I have at least 5 away messages saved.
✓ I have tried alcohol or drugs before. (Only alcohol...I'll kill ya if you try to give me illegal/illicit drugs.)
× I have made a move on a friend's significant other or crush in the past.
× I own the "South Park" movie.
× I have avoided assignments at work/school to be on Xanga or Livejournal.
× I enjoy some country music. (No, I enjoy MOST country music)
✓ I would die for my best friends. (Though I'd much rather stay living and keep them in my life.)
× I'm obsessive, and often a perfectionist.
× I have used my sexuality to advance my career. (Um, what sexuality?)
× I think Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.
× I have dated a close friend's ex.
✓ I am happy at this moment.
× I'm obsessed with guys.
✓ Democrat.
× Republican.
× I don't even know what I am.
× I am punk rockish.
× I go for older guys/girls, not younger.
× I study for tests most of the time.
× I tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I've ever met.
✓ I can work on a car.
× I love my job(s).
✓ I am comfortable with who I am right now.
× I have more than just my ears pierced.
✓ I walk barefoot wherever I can.
× I have jumped off a bridge.
× I love sea turtles.
× I spend ridiculous amounts of money on makeup.
× I plan on achieving a major goal/dream.
× I am proficient on a musical instrument. (I was, but haven't played for around 19 years.)
× I hate office jobs.
× I went to college out of state.
× I am adopted.
× I am a pyro.
× I have thrown up from crying too much.
× I have been intentionally hurt by people that I loved.
× I fall for the worst people.
× I adore bright colours.
× I usually like covers better than originals.
× I hate chain theme restaurants like Applebees and TGIFridays.
× I can pick up things with my toes.
× I can't whistle.
× I have ridden/owned a horse.
× I still have every journal I've ever written in.
× I talk in my sleep.
× I've often thought that I was born in the wrong century.
× I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions.
× I wear a toe ring.
× I have a tattoo.
× I can't stand at LEAST one person that I work with.
× I am a caffeine junkie.
× I am completely tree-huggy spiritual, and I'm not ashamed at all.
× If I knew I would get away with it, I would commit at least one murder.
× I will collect anything, and the more nonsensical, the better.
× I enjoy a nice glass of wine with dinner.
× I'm an artist.
✓ I am ambidextrous. (to an extenet)
× I sleep with so many stuffed animals, I can hardly fit on my bed.
× If it weren't for having to see other people naked, I'd live in a nudist colony.
× I have terrible teeth. (Not great either though)
× I hate my toes.
× I did this meme even though I wasn't tagged by the person who took it before me.(Thanks Dan)
× I have more friends on the internet than in real life. (About even)
× I have lived in either three different states or countries.
× I am extremely flexible.
× I love hugs more than kisses. (Can't really say...had plenty of hugs but not a whole lot of kisses)
× I want to own my own business.
× I smoke.
× I spend way too much time on the computer than on anything else.
× Nobody has ever said I'm normal.
× Sad movies, games, and the like can cause a trickle of tears every now and then.
× I am proficient in the use of many types of firearms and combat weapons.
× I like the way women look in stylized men's suits.(I don't dislike it either)
× I don't like it when people are unpleased or seem unpleased with me.
× I have been described as a dreamer or likely to have my head up in the clouds.
× I have played strip poker with someone else before. (Only alone.....and lost)
× I have had emotional problems for which I have sought professional help.
× I believe in ghosts and the paranormal.
× I can't stand being alone.
× I have at least one obsession at any given time.
× I weigh myself, pee/poo, and then weigh myself again.
× I consistently spend way too much money on obsessions-of-the-moment.
× I'm a judgmental asshole.
× I'm a HUGE drama-queen.
× I have travelled on more than one continent.
× I sometimes wish my father would just disappear.
× I need people to tell me I'm good at something in order to feel that I am.
× I am a Libertarian.
× I can speak more than one language.
✓ I can fall asleep even if the whole room is as noisy as it can be.
× I would rather read than watch TV.
× I like reading fact more than fiction.
× I have pulled an all-nighter on an assignment I was given a month to do.
✓ I have no piercings.
× I have spent the night in a train station or other public place.
× I have been so upset over my physical gender that I cried.
× I once spent Christmas completely alone because there was a miscommunication on which parent was supposed to have me that night.
× There have been times when I have wondered "Why was I born?" and may/may not have cried over it.
× I like most animals better than most people.
× I own a collection of retro games consoles.
× The thought of physical exercise makes me shiver.(try Sweat)
× I have hit someone with a dead fish.
× I am compulsively honest.
× I was born with a congenital birth defect that has never been repaired.
× I have danced topless in front of dozens of complete strangers.
× I have gone from wishing I was a girl to revelling in being a boy to feeling like a girl again in the span of five minutes, and not cared a whit for my actual sex.
× I am unashamedly bisexual, and have different motivations for my desires for different genders.
× I sometimes won't sleep a whole night or eat a whole day because I forget to.
✓ I find it impossible to get to sleep without some kind of music on.
× I dislike milk.
× I obsessively wash my hands.
× I always carry something significant around with me.
× Sometimes I'd rather wear a wig in day-to-day life than use my own hair.
× I've pushed myself to become more self-aware and thereby more aware of others.
× Even though I live on my own I still cry sometimes because I miss my mother.
× I hand wrote all the HTML tags in this document.
× I've liked something which a majority of people claimed was either bad or weird.
× I have been clinically dead for a brief period of time.
× Instead of feeling sympathy/empathy with people and their problems, I simply become annoyed.
× I participate/have participated in auto drag races and won.
× I do not 'get' most comedy acts.
✓ I don't think strippers are money-greedy or slutty for dancing. (But I wouldn't consider dating/marrying one either)
× I don't like to chew gum.
× I am obsessed with history/historical things and can't wait for someone to build a time machine so I can be the first to use it.
× I can never remember for the life of me where I parked the car.
× I had the TEEN ANGST thing going for at least 2-3 years.
× I wish people would be more empathic and honest with each other.
× I play Dungeons and Dragons weekly.
✓ I love to sing. (Sometimes)
× I want to live in my mother's basement when I grow up.
× I have a custom-built computer.
× I want to create a certain someone's babies, even though there's a 0% possiblity of ever achieving it.
× I would be in a relationship with one of my pets if they were human.
× I've gone skinny-dipping.(don't ya have to be skinny to do that?)
× I've performed in three plays.
× I enjoy burritos.
× I'm Irish and loving it.
✓ I have a thing for redheads. (And blondes and brunettes)
× I am a twin!
× Most of the times, I'd rather do something intellectual instead of doing something generically 'fun'.
✓ Once I set out to finish something, I always stay at it until it is completed before I move on to something else. (I sure try to anyway.)
× I wish there were a way to erase past mistakes.
× I sleep more than 12 hours a day.
× I wish I could be prouder of what I've accomplished, but it's never enough.
× I need more time to myself.
× I wish I was more open-minded.
× I hope that I go really prematurely grey.
× I download songs from the internet.
× I've just reenacted chapter 58 of Death Note with my best friend.
× I say random things to freak people out.
× I'm still a little mad about the ending of Death Note.
× I love playing Truth or Dare.
× I love listening to slow music, but I hate singing to it.
× Music helps me remember that I am not alone.
× Playing my favorite sport makes me temporarily forget my problems.
× I think this survey is particularly long.
× I prefer my LJ friends to my real-life ones.
× I can only hate someone that I love.
× I've ordered an extra two shots of espresso to an Americano at Starbucks.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Wednesday Whatever - July 12 Edition
Hey everybody, it's me again. I think I'm going to go North one town tonight and buy a TV for the basement. Right now I have a little 13 inch TV down there, but when I'm laying in bed, I can't read the Dish menu to see what's on. I'm thinking the 20" flat screen that's on sale for $100 should help in that regard.
We did the grocery thing last night, but since it was after supper and for some reason my 2 Footlong hot dogs and Brownie Batter Blizzard filled me up more than usual, I really didn't buy much. I may have to eat out a couple of nights or make a filler stop sometime.
Dad's County Supervisor campaign is rolling along semi-smoothly. He was in 2 parades last week, and went to another town's celebration this past weekend where he made his mark at a bake sale. Also, he worked a Mountain Lion exhibit and a Quilt show for a Sesquicentennial celebration in the town just South of here, where he's going to have to get quite a few votes from in order to unseat one of the incumbents. We've only bought 2 signs for the campaign so far - 18x24 magnetic signs for on our trucks. One of them blew off before we hit 45 mph one night, and now doesn't stick at all. Luckily it held on the Mustang he used in the 2 parades. We were going to order a replacement for that sign, and a couple more to go on our tailgates, but the signmaker went to the city to pick up some supplies so I have to wait until tomorrow to order them.
I'm on my own here at work tomorrow since Dad has to take his girlfriend to the city (different city) for some kind of test (voluntary), and visit her kids/grandkids. Please come up with some blogging ideas or anything to keep me entertained all day.
I think our Mayor is an idiot. I feel halfway safe typing that since I know he doesn't know how to use a computer, and it is highly unlikely that anybody reading this is from my hometown. Why do I think he's an idiot you ask? Well, first off, he basically fired me from being the town's treasurer, but hired my replacement at 15 times my pay for doing the same job. Another reason, the City budgeted for this fiscal year, $10,000 to upgrade playground equipment at the main park, with the rest of the funding coming from a local group's fundraising efforts. Somehow he got 3 of the 5 Council members to vote against paying the already allotted funds, allegedly due to a slide (that was never going to be put back up anyway) wasn't re-installed. I made him pay for what he did to me (I hadn't billed for my services for about 10 months, so I submitted a bill at the new treasurer's rate...and got paid), so I really hope the Park Committee has the fortitude to do something to (again) make him look like the jackass that he really is. Of course, if the Council members would realize that the Mayor is nothing more than a figure head, that they actually decide what happens in this town, we'd be a lot better off.
Well, that's all that's on my mind this week. Until next time, have a good one.
We did the grocery thing last night, but since it was after supper and for some reason my 2 Footlong hot dogs and Brownie Batter Blizzard filled me up more than usual, I really didn't buy much. I may have to eat out a couple of nights or make a filler stop sometime.
Dad's County Supervisor campaign is rolling along semi-smoothly. He was in 2 parades last week, and went to another town's celebration this past weekend where he made his mark at a bake sale. Also, he worked a Mountain Lion exhibit and a Quilt show for a Sesquicentennial celebration in the town just South of here, where he's going to have to get quite a few votes from in order to unseat one of the incumbents. We've only bought 2 signs for the campaign so far - 18x24 magnetic signs for on our trucks. One of them blew off before we hit 45 mph one night, and now doesn't stick at all. Luckily it held on the Mustang he used in the 2 parades. We were going to order a replacement for that sign, and a couple more to go on our tailgates, but the signmaker went to the city to pick up some supplies so I have to wait until tomorrow to order them.
I'm on my own here at work tomorrow since Dad has to take his girlfriend to the city (different city) for some kind of test (voluntary), and visit her kids/grandkids. Please come up with some blogging ideas or anything to keep me entertained all day.
I think our Mayor is an idiot. I feel halfway safe typing that since I know he doesn't know how to use a computer, and it is highly unlikely that anybody reading this is from my hometown. Why do I think he's an idiot you ask? Well, first off, he basically fired me from being the town's treasurer, but hired my replacement at 15 times my pay for doing the same job. Another reason, the City budgeted for this fiscal year, $10,000 to upgrade playground equipment at the main park, with the rest of the funding coming from a local group's fundraising efforts. Somehow he got 3 of the 5 Council members to vote against paying the already allotted funds, allegedly due to a slide (that was never going to be put back up anyway) wasn't re-installed. I made him pay for what he did to me (I hadn't billed for my services for about 10 months, so I submitted a bill at the new treasurer's rate...and got paid), so I really hope the Park Committee has the fortitude to do something to (again) make him look like the jackass that he really is. Of course, if the Council members would realize that the Mayor is nothing more than a figure head, that they actually decide what happens in this town, we'd be a lot better off.
Well, that's all that's on my mind this week. Until next time, have a good one.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
I wanna talk about me, wanna talk about I...
Okay, so much for the Toby Keith lead in. This is my "100 things about me" post that seems to be going around my stalker friends' blogs....too bad I can't be original and have stuff stolen from me. Here we go:
1. I'm a very large person.
2. Surprisingly (from what I've read about similarly sized/weighted people), I get around without mechanical assistance.
3. I'm a Ford man, but drive and love my Dodge pickup.
4. I've only been drunk one time.
5. I've only had 2 deserved hangovers.
6. I'm a NASCAR fan.
7. I have 3 cats.
8. One of them is my best buddy in the whole world.
9. Even though he bit me once 6 years ago, and my leg still isn't healed from it.
10. I sell NAPA Auto Parts.
11. I sell Liquor.
12. I'm a part time accountant.
13. I work in the City Clerk's office.
14. I'm involved with the local Volunteer Fire Department.
15. My best friends are about 20 years older than I am.
16. I have another friend from High School that I don't talk to nearly enough.
17. Our Dad's graduated and hung out together.
18. Our Mom's graduated and hung out together.
19. We've been in the process of remodeling and moving for almost 3 years.
20. My mother died from Cancer.
21. My sister died from complications of Diabetes.
22. I drove a race car for 5 seasons.
23. I only had 2 hard wrecks.
24. My last season I didn't finish a race.
25. I won 1 heat race.
26. Same night, I failed to start the feature.
27. I was taken out while leading coming off a re-start on a night when I had the field covered.
28. We ran 4-wide for 4 laps one night, before somebody behind us wrecked.
29. I once made a pass while watching a wreck over my shoulder.
30. I played on Dart Leagues for about 5 years.
31. I played in the State Dart Tournament 3 times.
32. I've been to Fire School twice.
33. The second time was a lot more fun.
34. I'm forbidden to say why.
35. But the first night was almost as much fun and we didn't even leave the hotel.
36. I've learned to play cribbage.
37. I knew how to play pitch, but I think I need a refresher course.
38. I love to play Euchre, but I'm never in a crowd that plays.
39. I've been arrested.
40. This is harder than I thought.
41. I've attended 5 NASCAR Winston/Nextel Cup races.
42. I've attended 3 Busch Grand National Races.
43. I've attended 3 Craftsman Truck Series races.
44. I've attended 4 ARCA races.
45. I've been to 1 World of Outlaws race.
46. I've been to 1 UDTRA/Hav-a-Tampa race.
47. I've been to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway gift shop.
48. I have almost a dozen dirt tracks within about a 2 hour drive from my home.
49. I took up fishing about 3 years ago.
50. I've only caught 4 fish.
51. One of them, the lure was bigger than the fish.
52. I used to never drink water.
53. Now I drink almost a gallon a day.
54. In addition to over a case of Pepsi a week.
55. I love Cappucino.
56. But hate Coffee.
57. I like garlic and hot sauces.
58. But can't stand vegetables aside from Corn, Potatoes, and Mushrooms.
59. My desk is a mess.
60. But I can find anything requested that is on it in less than a minute.
61. Did I mention that this is hard?
62. I take blood pressure meds.
63. That caused a case of Sleep Apnea.
64. That must not be too bad any more.
65. Because I haven't used my CPAP machine for a couple/few months and haven't noticed the symptoms that I had that caused me to get the machine.
66. But I will go back on the machine when I get a bigger mask and the air coming through the machine cools off again.
67. I have a TV in my bedroom.
68. I don't watch it because it's too small to be seen from my bed.
69. I wanted Alltel when I got my last cell phone.
70. They didn't service my area so I went with Cellular One.
71. A couple of months into my contract, Cellular One sold out to Alltel.
72. 2 of my cats don't like it when I hold them.
73. So I do it every chance I get just to spite them.
74. They don't mind me petting them when they're on the ground though.
75. I keep too much stuff.
76. 13 years of Stock Car Racing Magazine.
77. 13 years of Circle Track Magazine.
78. 5 or so years of Hawkeye Racing News newspaper.
79. Several Years of Sports Illustrated Magazine.
80. Every Credit Card Bill I've ever received.
81. Invoices/Sales Slips for most stuff I've ever bought (not groceries or lunches or stuff like that though).
82. I've been as far East as Washington D. C.
83. I've been as far South as Altanta GA.
84. I've been as far West at Rapid City SD.
85. That's about as far North as I've been too.
86. I made a 6 hour drive in 110 degree weather with no air conditioning.
87. With my grandmother in the passenger seat.
88. We survived.
89. I attended a 29 hour party, with an hour nap at 6:30 in the morning.
90. I got home from a Friday night out at 5:30 AM.
91. And went to work at 9:00 AM.
92. I'm almost done with this.
93. I have lots of friends that I haven't met in person.
94. I would like to change that into having more friends that I have met in person.
95. I've met and talked to Ken Schrader.
96. I've been within arm's length of several other NASCAR drivers including Kyle Petty and Buddy Baker.
97. I've met at least 4 NASCAR Winston Racing Series National Champions (Joe, Steve, and Ed Kosiski, and Gary Webb).
98. I know I've had other encounters with famous people, but I can't remember them right now.
99. This post took me all afternoon.
100. But I'm now done with it.
1. I'm a very large person.
2. Surprisingly (from what I've read about similarly sized/weighted people), I get around without mechanical assistance.
3. I'm a Ford man, but drive and love my Dodge pickup.
4. I've only been drunk one time.
5. I've only had 2 deserved hangovers.
6. I'm a NASCAR fan.
7. I have 3 cats.
8. One of them is my best buddy in the whole world.
9. Even though he bit me once 6 years ago, and my leg still isn't healed from it.
10. I sell NAPA Auto Parts.
11. I sell Liquor.
12. I'm a part time accountant.
13. I work in the City Clerk's office.
14. I'm involved with the local Volunteer Fire Department.
15. My best friends are about 20 years older than I am.
16. I have another friend from High School that I don't talk to nearly enough.
17. Our Dad's graduated and hung out together.
18. Our Mom's graduated and hung out together.
19. We've been in the process of remodeling and moving for almost 3 years.
20. My mother died from Cancer.
21. My sister died from complications of Diabetes.
22. I drove a race car for 5 seasons.
23. I only had 2 hard wrecks.
24. My last season I didn't finish a race.
25. I won 1 heat race.
26. Same night, I failed to start the feature.
27. I was taken out while leading coming off a re-start on a night when I had the field covered.
28. We ran 4-wide for 4 laps one night, before somebody behind us wrecked.
29. I once made a pass while watching a wreck over my shoulder.
30. I played on Dart Leagues for about 5 years.
31. I played in the State Dart Tournament 3 times.
32. I've been to Fire School twice.
33. The second time was a lot more fun.
34. I'm forbidden to say why.
35. But the first night was almost as much fun and we didn't even leave the hotel.
36. I've learned to play cribbage.
37. I knew how to play pitch, but I think I need a refresher course.
38. I love to play Euchre, but I'm never in a crowd that plays.
39. I've been arrested.
40. This is harder than I thought.
41. I've attended 5 NASCAR Winston/Nextel Cup races.
42. I've attended 3 Busch Grand National Races.
43. I've attended 3 Craftsman Truck Series races.
44. I've attended 4 ARCA races.
45. I've been to 1 World of Outlaws race.
46. I've been to 1 UDTRA/Hav-a-Tampa race.
47. I've been to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway gift shop.
48. I have almost a dozen dirt tracks within about a 2 hour drive from my home.
49. I took up fishing about 3 years ago.
50. I've only caught 4 fish.
51. One of them, the lure was bigger than the fish.
52. I used to never drink water.
53. Now I drink almost a gallon a day.
54. In addition to over a case of Pepsi a week.
55. I love Cappucino.
56. But hate Coffee.
57. I like garlic and hot sauces.
58. But can't stand vegetables aside from Corn, Potatoes, and Mushrooms.
59. My desk is a mess.
60. But I can find anything requested that is on it in less than a minute.
61. Did I mention that this is hard?
62. I take blood pressure meds.
63. That caused a case of Sleep Apnea.
64. That must not be too bad any more.
65. Because I haven't used my CPAP machine for a couple/few months and haven't noticed the symptoms that I had that caused me to get the machine.
66. But I will go back on the machine when I get a bigger mask and the air coming through the machine cools off again.
67. I have a TV in my bedroom.
68. I don't watch it because it's too small to be seen from my bed.
69. I wanted Alltel when I got my last cell phone.
70. They didn't service my area so I went with Cellular One.
71. A couple of months into my contract, Cellular One sold out to Alltel.
72. 2 of my cats don't like it when I hold them.
73. So I do it every chance I get just to spite them.
74. They don't mind me petting them when they're on the ground though.
75. I keep too much stuff.
76. 13 years of Stock Car Racing Magazine.
77. 13 years of Circle Track Magazine.
78. 5 or so years of Hawkeye Racing News newspaper.
79. Several Years of Sports Illustrated Magazine.
80. Every Credit Card Bill I've ever received.
81. Invoices/Sales Slips for most stuff I've ever bought (not groceries or lunches or stuff like that though).
82. I've been as far East as Washington D. C.
83. I've been as far South as Altanta GA.
84. I've been as far West at Rapid City SD.
85. That's about as far North as I've been too.
86. I made a 6 hour drive in 110 degree weather with no air conditioning.
87. With my grandmother in the passenger seat.
88. We survived.
89. I attended a 29 hour party, with an hour nap at 6:30 in the morning.
90. I got home from a Friday night out at 5:30 AM.
91. And went to work at 9:00 AM.
92. I'm almost done with this.
93. I have lots of friends that I haven't met in person.
94. I would like to change that into having more friends that I have met in person.
95. I've met and talked to Ken Schrader.
96. I've been within arm's length of several other NASCAR drivers including Kyle Petty and Buddy Baker.
97. I've met at least 4 NASCAR Winston Racing Series National Champions (Joe, Steve, and Ed Kosiski, and Gary Webb).
98. I know I've had other encounters with famous people, but I can't remember them right now.
99. This post took me all afternoon.
100. But I'm now done with it.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Wednesday Whatever - July 5 edition
I can't believe I almost forgot to do this today. On Saturday afternoon, I went to a parade that had only fire trucks and emergency equipment in it. Our department sent our newest truck, our EMS unit, and an old Model A truck that happens to be the first truck manufactured by Toyne, Inc., a fire truck builder in Breda, Iowa. The Model A wasn't even scheduled to go, but after a conversation between me and another department member, it was decided that it was stupid for that truck not to go, and he made arrangements to trailer it to the parade and drive it through. This paid off, as we received a trophy for the oldest truck entered in the parade.
On Monday, there was going to be another parade in the same town, 15 miles from my hometown. My dad was going to be in this parade with his girlfriend's daughter's red Mustang with campaign signs (he's running for County Supervisor) and the grandkids that he calls his as well. It was sunny and dry when we each left town (I was only going to watch, the Mustang headed down a little earlier, and Dad was coming down shortly after I left. 6 miles out of the town I live in, there is a curve that turns almost 90 degrees, and I started getting rain drops on my windshield right at this curve. About 300 yards later, it starts raining cats, dogs, and any other critters you can think of. So I got on the phone to alert the others of the rain, not knowing that the Mustang was already in the parade lineup, and basically told them what they already knew. It was still early, so when I got to town, I found myself a nice parking spot where I could watch the parade from and turned the local radio station on, as well as kept on monitoring my Fire Radio. Uptown, the sky starts clearing and the rain slows almost to a stop, but right at that time, the radio announcer that was uptown announced that the parade was cancelled. About 30 seconds later, the Fire Chief from the town I was in got on the Fire Radio and announced that the parade was cancelled.
So, I tried to call the mustang owner, but apparently, she was on the phone to somebody else, so I decided to drive to the High School (the place the parade was lining up) to see if I could find them. I did and they told me right away that we were heading to a local bar for a while, as the Fireworks show was still scheduled for that night, even though in one of the Fire Radio transmissions I heard that the fairgrounds parking lot was under water. So we have a few drinks and wait to see what's going to happen. A little while later my radio comes to life with an all-call page stating that the fireworks were postponed until Tuesday night. We then decided to come back to my hometown for supper and a couple more drinks. About 8:00, Dad and girlfriend went home, and the parents of their grandkids decided to go to a bar that is in a basement. I don't do steps well, so I passed and decided to go to a friend's place in another adjacent town for a few beers on his patio.
Tuesday morning (my birthday, also the Fourth of July) Dad wakes me up to let me know he's heading to a parade about 40 miles away, and then to another that's about 30 miles away. I told him to let me know what time the second one started since I wasn't ready to get outta bed yet for the first one. I watched TV until noon, then pretty much slept in my chair since I couldn't find anything to watch on TV, until about 3:30 when I figured any parades were over and called Dad's girlfriend's house to see if they were back yet. They were, so I asked what the deal was and they said they didn't have time between parades to let me know when the second one was.
About 5:30, I decided to go get a pizza and find a good parking spot at the fairgrounds for the fireworks show. I ate what I was going to of the pizza and was just about ready to take a quick snooze in my truck, when another pickup pulls up beside me in the spot I was saving for Dad. When this guy got out of his truck, I finally recognized him as one of my second cousins. We had a nice talk while waiting for Dad's carload of people and the fireworks to start.
The fireworks show was AWESOME, it rivaled the best show I've ever seen (1999 after a Wichita Wranglers baseball game in Wichita KS). I was unofficially on duty watching for spot fires and/or injuries, since I had my radio with me. Fortunately, I didn't have to report anything, and it was pretty interesting listening to what goes on behind the scenes at a fireworks show.
On Monday, there was going to be another parade in the same town, 15 miles from my hometown. My dad was going to be in this parade with his girlfriend's daughter's red Mustang with campaign signs (he's running for County Supervisor) and the grandkids that he calls his as well. It was sunny and dry when we each left town (I was only going to watch, the Mustang headed down a little earlier, and Dad was coming down shortly after I left. 6 miles out of the town I live in, there is a curve that turns almost 90 degrees, and I started getting rain drops on my windshield right at this curve. About 300 yards later, it starts raining cats, dogs, and any other critters you can think of. So I got on the phone to alert the others of the rain, not knowing that the Mustang was already in the parade lineup, and basically told them what they already knew. It was still early, so when I got to town, I found myself a nice parking spot where I could watch the parade from and turned the local radio station on, as well as kept on monitoring my Fire Radio. Uptown, the sky starts clearing and the rain slows almost to a stop, but right at that time, the radio announcer that was uptown announced that the parade was cancelled. About 30 seconds later, the Fire Chief from the town I was in got on the Fire Radio and announced that the parade was cancelled.
So, I tried to call the mustang owner, but apparently, she was on the phone to somebody else, so I decided to drive to the High School (the place the parade was lining up) to see if I could find them. I did and they told me right away that we were heading to a local bar for a while, as the Fireworks show was still scheduled for that night, even though in one of the Fire Radio transmissions I heard that the fairgrounds parking lot was under water. So we have a few drinks and wait to see what's going to happen. A little while later my radio comes to life with an all-call page stating that the fireworks were postponed until Tuesday night. We then decided to come back to my hometown for supper and a couple more drinks. About 8:00, Dad and girlfriend went home, and the parents of their grandkids decided to go to a bar that is in a basement. I don't do steps well, so I passed and decided to go to a friend's place in another adjacent town for a few beers on his patio.
Tuesday morning (my birthday, also the Fourth of July) Dad wakes me up to let me know he's heading to a parade about 40 miles away, and then to another that's about 30 miles away. I told him to let me know what time the second one started since I wasn't ready to get outta bed yet for the first one. I watched TV until noon, then pretty much slept in my chair since I couldn't find anything to watch on TV, until about 3:30 when I figured any parades were over and called Dad's girlfriend's house to see if they were back yet. They were, so I asked what the deal was and they said they didn't have time between parades to let me know when the second one was.
About 5:30, I decided to go get a pizza and find a good parking spot at the fairgrounds for the fireworks show. I ate what I was going to of the pizza and was just about ready to take a quick snooze in my truck, when another pickup pulls up beside me in the spot I was saving for Dad. When this guy got out of his truck, I finally recognized him as one of my second cousins. We had a nice talk while waiting for Dad's carload of people and the fireworks to start.
The fireworks show was AWESOME, it rivaled the best show I've ever seen (1999 after a Wichita Wranglers baseball game in Wichita KS). I was unofficially on duty watching for spot fires and/or injuries, since I had my radio with me. Fortunately, I didn't have to report anything, and it was pretty interesting listening to what goes on behind the scenes at a fireworks show.