Monday, December 05, 2005

More good news. Progress is almost certain. Over the weekend, my assistant that wraps my leg was out of town, so on Sunday I decided to do an experiment and see how much progress has been made. Well, on the outside of my upper calf is an area that goes down really nicely over night, but used to fill up within 15 minutes of getting up in the morning. This area took over 3 hours to fill in on Sunday. Also, down by my ankle on the inside portion of my leg, there is a bubble that I can push down to nothing while laying down, but quickly fills in when I get up. This area used to touch the floor by the end of the day. Sunday it never got within a half inch of the floor.

Another reason I decided to do the experiment was that I think I have hit a plateau in my recovery. Have gone from getting up 3 times a night for bladder relief, to once, if that often. I don't count the time when I'm up for the day since I've been doing that one forever.

Okay, enough about my peeing habits. My little girl Sneetch scared both herself and me on Saturday afternoon. She got the handle of a plastic (Wal Mart type) bag around her neck. Of course she freaks out and runs around the house for a couple of minutes before cowering under the basement steps. I try to call her out from under there so I can help remove the bag, but since she's the most skitterish cat I've ever seen, of course she refuses. On to plan "B". I went into the laundry room where I could get a better look at the situation, and even knowing that the broom I was grabbing was going to scare her worse, I knew I needed to reposition her. Fortunately, she turned the right direction and was off the bag so I could pull on it with the broom and eventually "swept" it right off her neck.

I wasn't expecting a total change of my position in her eyes, like the lion that had the thorn removed from it's paw by the little boy, but a "thank you" meow would have been nice.

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