Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Wednesday Whatever - March 21 edition

Hey all...not much going on, but wanted to get a post in today yet. Made/smoked my dried beef on Sunday and it came out pretty good. Also tried out one of my newest toys, an electric meat slicer, on Monday. Works great for the price. By reading a smoking forum, I found some new recipes that I'm going to try, altered to my preferences, of course (I don't eat vegetables, so that kinda limits some recipes that I can do). If they're any good, I'll brag on 'em a little.

Well, it's about time to get out of here for the day, so I'll wrap it up for now. Hope to be getting back into at least posting weekly.

Keep it up and we're going to start calling you Smokey. ;o)
and what happened to that once a week thing? :P

Sounds like the smoking is coming right along!
I didn't even see this message, but I just put a new post up. :D

Glad you're checking up on me.
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