Thursday, January 04, 2007


Wednesday Whatever - January 3 edition

Yeah, I know I'm a day late again, whatcha gonna do about it? lol. We had a nice little snowstorm on New Year's Eve, causing me to cancel my plans to go 13 miles South and have a Prime Rib Buffet supper. Granted, I could have made it with no problems, but I just thought it would be a bit foolish to go out of town on snow covered roads just to spend $20, eat too much, and come back home to my 3 cats. If there was a date involved, well that may be an entirely different story.

I took a nice drive around town checking out the streets. Never found one that hadn't yet been driven on in the snow, but got to bust a few drifts with my 4x4. For supper I ended up getting a pizza from the local convenience store.

On New Year's Day, I pretty much just sat around watching football, but was briefly interrupted just after the Wisconsin game for an EMS call here in town. The call was for a guy with stroke like symptoms, but turned out to be something like low blood sugar or a diabetic reaction. My job was only to lead the ambulance into town. This was a little different, because I didn't know that the hospital got a new ambulance. As it was coming over the hills heading here, I noticed the LED-strobe light bar, and it looked more like a Deputy coming. As it headed down the last hill (still about a half mile away), I could tell it was taller than the Crown Vic's that the County has, but thought it could possibly be one of the jeeps they use. I have to pull onto the highway when they're about a quarter mile back so I have time to accelerate to their speed, so I just took a chance that it was them, and it was.

We got the call handled, and I was back home in time to see the kickoff for the Michigan game. Pretty good timing, eh?

The Oklahoma/Boise State game had the best ending I have seen in a very long time, if not the best ever....and I wanted Oklahoma to win. Here's a quick recap. Oklahoma ties the score at 28 with under 2 minutes left, then intercepts a pass running it back for a TD. Boise marches down the field and ties it on a classic "hook and lateral" play, sending it to overtime. Boise wins the toss, and goes to Defense first. Oklahoma scores a TD and takes a 1 point PAT. Boise gets a TD, tries the 2 pointer, and makes it.

Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty uneventful, and that brings us to today, and nothing of note has happened yet.

Hope you have a great day/week.

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