Monday, January 08, 2007


Thank you

"Thank you for what and to whom?" you may be asking right now. Well, I guess to the administrator for kicking me off of a message board that I apparently spent WAY too much time looking at. You see, in the month and about a half since I got booted, I've gotten caught up on so much work, it's unbelieveable. And my blog entries...they've been rolling right onto this page.

Granted, some of my "catch up" time could have been caused by Dad no longer being the City Clerk, but we still had almost everybody who normally came in to pay their utility bills here, come in to try to pay them, even into this month.

The increase in bloggage probably comes from this being my only current outlet for what is going on in my head (no, don't try to enter, you'll get lost and never be heard from again).

Don't get me wrong, I do still spend way too much time on the internet. I have 11 blogs that I check 2 or 3 times a day for updates, a message board that I only lurk on because most of the fun people have left for other places, and a quick perusal of horoscope and daily comic sites. I've just learned to close the browser window for a while and actually get something done, rather than reload the board index repeatedly waiting for somebody to post something.

I know I use a lot of sarcasm, but the thank you in this post is heartfelt and genuine. Yes, I do miss conversing with my friends on that board, but I also feel a little happier now than I have for some time. Hmm, maybe some of that happiness came from getting some work done instead of goofing off...nah, let's not get carried away here.

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