Saturday, December 30, 2006


Another Bonus Post - Aren't you just the lucky one?

Good morning. I've been debating whether to do this or not, but I finally decided to. About a month ago, I got banned from a message board that I liked to post on. I realize the post that got me banned had a sort of harsh tone to it, but I didn't attack anybody on the board, and I didn't use any profanity in that post, so I really didn't expect to be thrown out. After posting said message, I went to wait on a couple of customers, and in doing that thought of something I wanted to post to clarify my position on the subject being discussed, but imagine my surprise when I tried to get in and post it, and couldn't.

So far I have e-mailed both administrators to ask them what I had to do to get reinstated, but haven't heard back from either of them. I miss talking to some of them, but I know they read my ramblings here (I hope you know who you are, and how much you mean to me).

If I had known I was going to get banned over that particular post, I would have taken on another post that I'm quite positive that my reply at an earlier date would have gotten me banned. The topic was Weight Loss Surgery (WLS), and it was stated that 90% of the people seeking it are just looking for an easy way out and don't really need surgery, they're just too lazy to do what it takes to lose the weight. Another part that ticked me off was some replies in which the poster was against surgery because so and so died, surgery is a joke, causes hair to fall out, softens your teeth, etc. Another poster took a cheap shot at it, saying something like "well, that'd be attractive".

Now, I don't know the percentage, my personal belief is that it is lower, but I do agree that too many people are seeking WLS. I think the minimum weight to be considered should be 350 or so, to my knowledge, the criteria now is 100#'s over "normal", with co-morbidities. I also agree that some types of surgery (the lap-band, for instance) are a joke. This is about where my agreeing ends. WLS is far from an "easy way out". The surgery I'm considering is major surgery, and quite frankly, scares the hell out of me. But, while I'm in good shape for my size now, I know time is running out on that, and I want to have a good chance at spending another 50 years on this earth.

To the person who said their friend (or friend of a friend) died from the surgery, are you sure it was the surgery, or was it possibly one of their co-morbidities that struck them down? I guess I do have to admit that one reason surgery scares me so much, is that my mother never recovered from an exploratory surgery to see if her cancer was gone, and my sister passed away after having 3 surgeries, the first of which would have basically cured her diabetes, if not for complications that brought on the need for the additional 2. It has taken me 5 years to see that surgery can possibly be a good thing.

I'm going to tackle the comment that really didn't pertain to surgery next, the one about "that's attractive". Well, how many of us that qualify for surgery are either supermodels or dating them? Assuming you love your significant other and would never leave, which would you rather have them do, lose a little hair and have imperfect teeth, or carry an excess 150+ pounds that are causing them health problems? The hair loss is, more often than not, temporary. Usually from either the anesthesia or changes done to the body during surgery. In the year I've been researching WLS (mainly the Duodenal Switch), I haven't heard of people having problems with their teeth. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, in fact, I can see how it could. With the procedure I mentioned, many people become lactose intolerant, at least temporarily. They also lose the ability to absorb a large quantity of the nutrients required to live healthy, thus needing vitamin and other supplements (like calcium).

Well, I feel a lot better now that I have that out of my system. Keep in mind that I openly admit that I don't know everything about anything. I hope, if nothing else, this has been informative...I tried not to let too much anger interfere with writing it, and feel I did a much better job now than I would have even a month ago.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a Happy New Year. Be safe if you are out partying.

Surgery of any type is scary--but so is living with excess weight. It's a personal call for only you to make. You'll be the one having to recover, the one who will have to change your lifestyle, the one who ultimately has to be responsible for maintaining that same lifestyle.

I'll support you either way!
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