Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Hi, remember me?

I'm the guy that writes on this blog, only I haven't been keeping up with it very well over the past few weeks. I only have an excuse for no post last week, and that was because I was kinda ill the day before Thanksgiving. The rest I'll just chalk up to forgetfulness.

The weekend before Thanksgivning, my Fire Department held their annual dance fundraiser, complete with turkey raffle and other games of chance. I also had our annual NAPA Marketing Conference to attend the following evening with my dad and his girlfriend. Saturday morning, Dad asked if we could cancel one of the rooms we had reserved since his girlfriend wasn't feeling well. I checked the hotel policies, and they stated 24 hour notice or forfeit the first night's rate. Well, we were only staying one night anyway, so Dad and I went and had our own rooms. Only about midnight or so, he got sick. I didn't find this out until Sunday morning when I was waiting for him to call so we could go have breakfast...I decided to give him until 9:30 and call him. He requested that I bring him some ice, so I did that before heading to the buffet (we stayed at one of the casino/hotels in Council Bluffs, IA) for a very high protein breakfast. I had Roast Beef, Ham, Bacon, Sausages, a little bit of eggs, and a banana.

About 10:30 Dad's feeling well enough to be getting dressed and getting out of the hotel, so I help with his luggage and have him check us out of the hotel, while I go to the parking ramp to get my truck. He also had his truck down there, and we'd been having troubles with the battery in that, so I was going to make sure he got started even if he wasn't sick. I should mention that the reason we drove down separately was because I wanted to attend the meetings while he didn't, and we both had different plans for Sunday. All Sunday plans got scrapped when he got sick, as I had to follow him to make sure he got home. We got about halfway home and he was starting to feel like he was going to fall asleep, so he pulled into a convenience store and absentmindedly turned off his truck. This time it was a real pain in the ass to get his truck started...I bet we were stopped for over 20 minutes. It was to the point where if it didn't start the next time, I was going to have him climb in with me and temporarily abandon his truck, before coming back with a buddy of mine that is a mechanic. It started and we were back on our way.

Once we got back to our hometown, he drove this truck into the garage where it's kept (at our old house), so I assume he's fine and I head home to catch the start of the Homestead Nextel Cup race. Right at the green flag, I nodded off for half an hour (hadn't slept very well myself...peein' all night), wake up and realize I'd been home for an hour already and he wasn't home yet. I drove back to the other garage and found him asleep in his truck. He said he'd be right up, so I went back home and watched more of the race. Another hour went by without him being home, so I was just getting ready to go drag him out of the garage when I see him driving up the street. So I grab the cat that is kinda apathetic towards me, but really likes Dad, and meet him at the door saying "you're lucky you're home now...me and my enforcer were just coming to get you."

Thus ends the story of that weekend, but was told as background for my little bout with illness. Even though Dad and his girlfriend were both sick, I don't think it had anything to do with me. They were possibly knocked out (food poisoning) by some bad pickles, and I think I coincidently got some food poisoning from another source. On Wednesday morning at about 3:00, I seem to have had a little diarrhea, and at 5:00 or so, it was compounded with vomitting for one series. Got up at 7:30 to get my leg wrapped, and really wasn't nauseaus or anything, just had the runs. About 8:30 I decided that it would be best if I stayed home for at least the morning to stay close to the toilet, so I called Dad and told him that, which was fine. About 10 or so, I had another round of calling Ralph, and I don't know if it was the sink or the stuff going into it, but I could definately smell something that smelled like rotten eggs.

About noon I decided I felt well enough to go to work, so I called Dad and told him I'd be there as soon as I was dressed. We had a fire call at about 1:00 that I went to, got back to work about 3 after stopping at home to make some jello and relieve myself again. Then Dad let me off at 5:00 because we weren't very busy anyway, and I wasn't feeling 100%. One of the reasons I point to as a possible cause for sickness due to food poisoning was the previously mentioned rotten egg smell...remember I had eggs from a buffet on Sunday? Another possible factor that I haven't yet revealed is that on Tuesday night, I made some chicken and noodles, using raw chicken that I cut up prior to putting it in the pot to cook, then covered it with broth once it was cooked. Well, I made a stupid decision not to wash my hands after cutting the chicken and before going to the living room and eating some cheese curls while watching TV.

I'm kinda ruling out the flu or stuff like that because I really never had a stomach ache, chills, fever, body aches, or any other major flu symptoms, just the 2 that I've told ya'll about.

Thanksgiving was kind of disappointing, since if you know me, you know I love food and used to really enjoy tipping a few. As I was still kind of recovering from whatever it was I had on Wednesday, I decided that alcohol would not be good, and I was going to behave with the food intake. I can tell it really sucks to be surrounded by AWESOME tasting food and having to be careful on what/how much you consume because you're scared.

A similar instance happened to me a couple to a few years ago on Christmas Eve...my extended family (Dad, his girlfriend, and her kids & grandkids) was having a spectacular pre-made meal of prime rib, mashed potatoes, and such, but I couldn't take full advantage because that morning I had been to the ER with a nosebleed, and as a result had my nose stuffed with gauze and stuff. I'm so paranoid when it comes to my own blood...especially from my nose. If I see even a quarter of a drop come out, I'm done for 3 days from doing anything involving dipping my head or requiring more effort than a short walk.

Well, I hope I haven't made you sick or anything, and I hope you come back to read more when I post again (hopefully soon).

Glad to hear you're feeling better now.
What an awful time you've had lately!

Glad you and pop are on the mend.
"Hi, remember me?"

Who are you again?

Glad you are feeling better.
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