Saturday, September 09, 2006


Wednesday Whatever - September 6 edition

Okay, so I'm not writing this until Saturday, September 9th. Sue me or deal with it. lol.

This week just plain sucked. Started out with computer problems for our Utility Billing system that lasted most of the week. Then yesterday Dad was trying to assemble the Agenda for the monthly City Council meeting and kept getting ticked because he couldn't find stuff, and you just know who was getting caught in the line of fire (if you don't know,'s a hint, ME).

I mentioned in one of my last posts that I was heading to the City to buy some ribs to BBQ on Labor Day. Well, I bought the ribs, but didn't feel like cooking them on Labor Day. Went fishing instead (wait, is it still fishing when you don't catch anything?). My buddy (who was pretty well drunk at the time) somehow convinced me to take gravel/dirt roads home from the lake to avoid some of the looking into the sun, which was not bothering me very much on the highway. Well, we about wrecked going down one hill, because it was pretty much dirt, was very rough, steep hill, oncoming car at the bottom, and when I got over near the bottom to go by the car, the road felt like it sunk away. A few hills later, the sun was really bad, but I was able to see some motion in front of me a little ways...3 young deer decided to be running down the road. No, I didn't get any of them either, just startled me for a second.

My County has way too many Hog confinements. Saturday on my way either to or from the City, I counted up the number along the highway that runs on the North side of my town. There are 5 of them (2 under construction) in 18, you can see more from the highway. In the next county over, and I guess 1 up, I was on a back highway and saw ZERO confinements. Also, one day this spring, I did some smoke chasing, and once I located the smoke, I took a drive on a lot of gravel roads in the West Half of our fire district, and found about a dozen confinement units.

I used to be in favor of people being able to put these buildings up, but GEEEZE, enoough is ENOUGH.

Okay, I'm done ranting. Have a good day.

Hog Confinements? Please educate this NJ boy...
Basically large buildings with slotted floors over a 10 foot deep basement that fills with, um, solid and liquid waste from the hogs. Most single buildings hold between 1000 and 1500 hogs, and there's usually 2 buildings per site.
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