Tuesday, June 20, 2006


5 Things Meme

Now, I don't know what the heck a Meme is, but it seems I was tagged by my friend Ethel to make 5 lists of 5. I guess I'll play along, since it does kinda sound fun.

5 things in my Fridge
1. Chocolate Milk
2. Co-Jack Shredded cheese
3. Pepsi
4. Ground Beef
5. Mushrooms

5 things in my closet
1. Shirts
2. Hangers
3. Dust
4. "private" DVD's
5. A puzzle

5 things in my handbag (I don't have one, so how about wallet?)
1. Minimal Cash
2. Too Many Credit Cards
3. A Debit Card
4. 2 Lists for Ethel's photo challenge.
5. Driver's License

5 things in my car (truck)
1. Favorite Stuffed Animal
2. Quilt
3. 2 coats
4. Fire Helmet
5. Fire Radio

5 People to Tag
1. Billy
2. Ninecats
3. Nuggie
4. ?
5. ?

You can tag me if you like Tiny. If you don't tag me, I'll do it on my own and re-tag you. MWAHAHAHAHA
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