Thursday, April 27, 2006


My diet nearly died today..

Granted, I never was officially on a diet, but I have been consciously reducing my intake of food. The injury started today by not being able to get out of the business place I was visiting in time to head to the other town I visit on my sales call, thereby severely limiting my available lunch choices. I had planned on hitting Subway for a footlong Chicken Bacon Ranch sub, but since I was late, had to choose between a) the bar and restaurant in the town I was in, b) the bar and restaurant next door to my place of business, and c) the convenience store/pizza place in the town I work and live in. I realized it had been awhile since I'd had Pizza, so I chose option C, which was a mistake because when I have pizza, it's best not to get between me and it until it is all gone.

This puts me in a quandry...I have some Iowa chops that really need to be used (today marks 1 week that they've been in my refrigerator), and I don't want to freeze them. I'm thinking I'll just throw today away and try to be good again tomorrow. I still think I need to punish myself tho, so I'll probably forego the chips and dip while watching TV tonight.

Still haven't heard from the Dish Network guy...may have to call or stop by tomorrow again. I really want it hooked up by this weekend so I can start playing with it and figure out how to run it so I can teach Dad, as well as know what I'm doing with the DVR option.

I'm glad you're up and blogging again. :)

Don't worry about the days here and there. My big temptation is fast food. Not because I like it, but because it's easy. Or at least, I think it's easy. It's just as easy to nuke a Lean Cuisine, but I digress. I've caved here and there. I think you have to, sometimes. But I think the difference is, even if I feel bad, I move on. I don't let a splurge become a reason to fall off the wagon.

Best of luck to you, Tiny!!
Thanks Ethel...I'm pretty much back to pre-crash mode.
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