Monday, November 07, 2005
Well, now, third post is being done only 18 or so days after the second.....not bad. I had to log in to post a comment in a friend's blog, so I decided to give a little update on my leg that I told y'all about in my first entry. My doctor in Denison (Iowa) sent me to a physical therapy clinic in Moville (Iowa) that was about 55 miles away. A couple of weeks ago I called them to tell them I was ready to continue the treatment (my condition is called "lymphedema", the swelling is caused by damage to the lymphatic system resulting in the lymph fluid not being recirculated out of the affected area). Well, the Moville clinic decided they didn't have time to treat me, so they sent me to a physical therapy clinic in Cherokee (Iowa) about 45 miles from my home. Over the last 2 weeks, I've been to 5 appointments in this clinic, the last being Saturday when my dad went along to learn the wrapping procedure to help with the removal of fluid. I was also released from treatment at this appointment, I guess due to the cost (I don't have insurance and evidently it is rather costly for them to wrap my leg). I think progress has been made, but when we change the wrap tonight, I'm going to have Dad take some pics so we can compare them every couple of weeks to see if there's visible progress or not. At Friday's visit, the guy working on me said he thought there was some progress made, but I sure couldn't see it from my angle. As long as I can get a sock and shoe on that leg by April, I can live with the swelling below the knee. I want to ride my motorcycle that I bought in the summer of '04, and get my license since my motorcycle permit expires in July. Another thing that would be accomplished with the ability to put a sock and shoe on that leg is the beginning of an exercise program...getting down to half my current weight would be considered a good start.